Our Services

What we offer

Solar Panel Cleaning

At Lōkahi Solar, we understand that your solar panels are an investment in a greener future. However, dirt, grime, and bird droppings can reduce your system's efficiency by up to 30%. That's why we offer specialized solar panel cleaning services designed to maximize your energy output. Using eco-friendly cleaning solutions and advanced techniques, we ensure that your panels operate at peak performance year-round. Choose Lōkahi Solar for a cleaner, more efficient energy solution.

Electrical Maintenance (Coming Soon)

As we continue to expand our services, we're excited to announce that electrical maintenance is coming soon to Lōkahi Solar. Your solar panel system is only as good as its electrical components, and regular maintenance is crucial for long-term efficiency and safety. Our future electrical maintenance services will offer a comprehensive check of your system's wiring, inverters, and other electrical components. Stay tuned for this one-stop solution that will cover all your solar needs.

Birdproofing and Gutter Cleaning

Birds may be a delight to watch, but they can wreak havoc on your solar panel system. From nesting to droppings, birds can cause damage that leads to costly repairs and reduced efficiency. Our birdproofing solutions are designed to protect your investment while being humane to the birds. Additionally, clogged gutters can lead to water damage that compromises the structural integrity of your home. Our comprehensive gutter cleaning services ensure that water flows freely, safeguarding your property. Trust Lōkahi Solar to keep your solar panels and home in optimal condition.